Friday, May 18, 2012

Is Middle School Sports being Cut?

I just listened to the podcast of the May 15 school board meeting. I have posted it at and to iTunes. I'm sorry to say that the batteries must have died towards the end, so it stopped during the principal's report.

One thing I noticed in the review and approval of the 2012-2013 budget, was the lack of any mention of cutting Middle School sports. However, when I spoke to Superintendent Hancock yesterday, I was left with the impression that he expected the Sideliner's Booster Club to pay like we did last year if Middle School sports was going to be saved.

Right now, I can't say what the school has planned for Middle School sports. I can say that I'm the treasurer for Sideliner's, so I hope to find out soon what is going on, as the Superintendent was kicking around numbers in the $7000 range to keep the Middle School sports program.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mark Alvord to be on School Board

I'll update this post as soon as the podcast is ready, since I wasn't at the meeting last night.

The school board considered at least 3 candidates to fill the position vacated by Doug Porch. Those candidates were Ed Wooten, Dulaney Barrett and Mark Alvord. The board selected Mark Alvord to fill the vacant slot.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

School Board Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday May 15, 2012

Here is the Agenda for Tuesday night's meeting. The meetings start at 6 p.m.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Interested in Being on the School Board?

If you are interested in filling the new vacancy on the school board, you are supposed to contact Bill Denney at 575-491-5734 or Tommy Hancock at 575-601-4416. The deadline for submitting names is May 15th before 3:30 p.m.

I believe that the board will be filling the position at the May 15th meeting...but things are always subject to change. As we have discovered in the past, to conform to the Open Meetings Act, the discussion and selection of the new school board member must be conducted in an open meeting.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

School Board Member Doug Porch Resigning

There will be a special school board meeting in the morning at 7:30 am to accept his resignation. Here is the agenda.