This blog is meant to be an open forum for all parents, students, teachers and community members who want to see Cloudcroft Municipal Schools provide the best possible education to its students.
This blog is NOT run by the school. I have allowed annonymous comments so people should not have to fear reprisals. However, name calling, foul language, and anything unproductive and inappropriate will be deleted from the blog. If you submit an annonymous comment no one, including me, will have any way of knowing who you are. If you want to sign your comment, you can still submit it as annonymous then sign your name in the content area.
School Board Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
The last time I checked, a member of the public (like a parent, for instance) was not allowed to be placed on the agenda. Instead, you are supposed to sign in to address the school board just before the meeting begins. So under the current system, if someone will be addressing an issue about which you have an interest, you have no way of knowing in advance.
If a member of the public does decide to address the school board, they may want the board members to have a chance to review materials pertinent to an issue prior to the board's meeting. Right now, the school administration distributes information packets to the board members on the Thursday before the Tuesday meeting. You, as a member of the public and therefore not on the agenda, might meet resistance in including your background information in the packets (due to the price of postage, for example). If that is the case, the administration could provide you with a list of the names and phone numbers of the school board members and it will be your responsibility to see that they get the information.
I am the mother of one child that attends Cloudcroft Schools and one that recently graduated from Cloudcroft Schools. This blog is meant to increase parents' involvment with the school and each other. Remember, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!